function verifyEmail(email) { var status = false; var emailRegEx = /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i; if ( > -1) { status = true; } return status; } function isReady(form) { var errores = ''; if(!form.txt_nombre.value) errores += '- You must fill your name'+"\r\n"; if(!form.txt_email.value) { errores += '- Please, fill a contact email'+"\r\n"; } else if(!verifyEmail(form.txt_email.value)) { errores += '- Is not a valid email'+"\r\n"; } if(form.tipo_cliente) if(!form.tipo_cliente.value) errores += '- You must select a type of customer'+"\r\n"; if(form.txt_consulta) if(!form.txt_consulta.value) errores += '- You must fill the comments'+"\r\n"; if(form.chk_privacidad) if(!form.chk_privacidad.checked) errores += '- You must read and accept policy privacy'; if(errores) { alert(errores); return false; } else { return true; } } function isPago(form) { var errores = 0; var error_privacidad = 0; if(!form.txt_nombre.value) errores ++; if(!form.txt_codigo.value) errores ++; if(!form.txt_factura.value) errores ++; if(!form.txt_importe.value) errores ++; if(form.chk_privacidad) if(!form.chk_privacidad.checked) error_privacidad ++; if(errores) { alert('You must fill all fields'); return false; } else if(error_privacidad) { alert('You must read and accept policy privacy'); return false; } else { return true; } }